This Is my new Blog. I just stared it and it is a task for my English class.
This is fun! I can design my own blog how I want it to be! Changing colours, layouts fonts and so on.
When I am at home the first thing I am going to do is to log in to my blog and se what different things I can do with it. Maybe I can be like Kenza!? Ha ha.
Famous because of my New English blog! Thank you Eva! I am going to be wealthy!
But what should I write about? Anything I want or a specific topic?
Perhaps I can do both?
I am going to choose different issues and write it here on my blog as an essay and also write about my fabulous shopping, friends, family and my spare time.
I am in truth exited about this. This is my first assignment that I really enjoy doing!
/ best regards Sabina